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For the love of Scotland [not the ‘gram]

For the love of Scotland [not the ‘gram]

Scotland suffers from over-tourism. From damage to our environment driven by people wanting to get the exact same shot as everyone else, horror stories of dirty camping around the North Coast 500, the impact of AirBnB on our communities to awful parking around hotspots across the country.

However, Scotland is not alone in this. On a recent visit to New Zealand top of my list was climbing Mount Roy with its stunning views across Wanaka. Mount Roy has recently become something of a New Zealand tourism attraction, thanks to a certain Instagram shot you can take from a promontory known as Roy’s Peak.

In fact, taking the shot is now so popular that there is often a queue. For most people, the shot is the sole reason for climbing halfway up a mountain. They don’t even reach the summit.

In fact every location across New Zealand had crowds of people with selfie sticks getting the shot for the ‘gram. Sadly, you will see this across Scotland too, from the Fairy Glen to the Fairy Pools – and its not just a Skye problem.

Against the backdrop of Scotland’s stunning beauty is an obsession for people to Instagram themselves into it – or to create highly edited or fake images of our quite frankly, beautiful even without a filter, landscapes. It’s all incredibly depressing. What has happened to us?

I started this blog because I wanted you to know how it feels to climb your first Munro. I want to show you how have the time of your life getting drunk on whisky with the locals in a bar on the Isle of Islay.

I want to show you that anyone (even a squishy, unfit, scaredy-cat) can try paddleboarding for the first time. I wanted to show you that you can go snorkelling with seals in the Outer Hebrides. That you can go coasteering in Fife. Kayak around a castle on Barra.

That you can be awed watching ospreys fly past your tiny remote cabin sitting on the edge a loch and see red squirrels appear at your window. That you can do this, and more in Scotland.

So why not join me in getting out there and experiencing Scotland for yourself? Not for a photo of you doing it, but to actually do it. Yes, you will have to deal with the hoards of Instagrammers, they aren’t going anywhere soon sadly.

Yes, it will rain, yes you will probably have a meltdown halfway up your first hill, yes you will fall in a bog, yes the food will occasionally be deep-fried frozen crap.

But it is all part of Scotland, and there is more to experience than you will ever realise. Just remember to do it for the love of getting outside and experiencing Scotland.

Surely that is the point of life, after all?


Love, from Scotland x 

Kate Hopper

The blogger behind Love from Scotland

Love from Scotland is your guide to how to travel Scotland like a local. My name is Kate and on my site you will find everything you need to plan your perfect trip to Scotland – from destination guides to the best places to stay.


Saturday 3rd of August 2019

Excellent post Kate - we should all be out there just doing it!! Jenny x

Shauna Reid

Wednesday 31st of July 2019

Really loved this post, Kate :)

Ami Schwabenland

Saturday 20th of July 2019

I love Scotland - it's the only place my husband and I vacation. We go to the same place every time which is special to our family and where there are few tourists - to the point that if one of us fell and broke a leg on a walk, we'd have a hard time summoning help (our German mobile phones don't get great reception where we go). We hike for hours and grumble about "traffic" if we come across 3 other people. It's still rugged there and more beautiful that I can describe. I blog, but I don't have many readers and don't care. I have never used Instagram or any social media other than Facebook, which I don't even like, but as an expat it keeps me connected to the few people I want to stay connected to.

Your wishes for us (what you want to show your readers) sound wonderful. I haven't bagged a munro, but I enjoy reading about you doing it. Horseback riding on beaches, drinking with locals, kayaking, watching ospreys... I enjoy reading about the normal things - what it's like to live in Scotland! I appreciate your posts!

Mike Peddie

Friday 19th of July 2019

Totally with you on this. We've been doing travel guides and tour planning for Scotland since 2005 and started long before Instagram was a thing. We started our tour planning business because we love Scotland and wanted to show people that the best way to discover the country was by slowing down and listening to the quiet, rather than rushing from one tick on a bucket list to another.


Friday 19th of July 2019

oh yes. So with you there. To the point where a boiling rage starts up whenever I, what is the collective noun for a group of self-obsessed wannabees.....? Love your posts, thank you.